After seeing a dozen doctors and being prescribed stronger steroid creams and more antibiotics, you are getting little results and still don't know what's ACTUALLY causing your flare ups. You are tired of having to rely on medications to get your flare ups under control. You want to find a safe, natural solution.
You spend hours on Dr. Google. You spend weeks, months and even years trying out different things, only to end up frustrated since all the diets, lotions and potions you tried didn't work.
Although you feel like you've exhausted every option to find answers and heal your skin naturally, you're not ready to give up quite yet because you know deep down, there are answers for you.
And, there are.
Holistic Skin Artisan combines elements of physics and chemistry to balance you on the inside, so that it shows on the outside.
My name is Jennifer and I know EXACTLY how it feels to be uncomfortable in my own skin, literally.
After healing my severe eczema naturally, I am dedicated to helping people do the same.
Empowering my clients to take an active approach to healing their skin naturally and guiding them to a place, where they feel confident in their own skin again, is what drives me!
My purpose
My approach
The name 'Holistic Skin Artisan' stems from my belief that each person is unique, and therefore will have their distinct path to wellness. Guiding clients, as they embark on their natural skin healing journey, is an art form. It requires passion, curiosity, and specificity. I love my craft.
I truly believe that it is possible to heal your skin from the inside out, regardless of your genetic predisposition and without the reliance on pharmaceuticals.
I was able to do it. The possibility is there for you too!
My services
Taking into consideration the unique biological makeup of each client, my goal is to understand and address the root cause of my client's symptoms.
I do this by combining two powerful health modalities to put the body into the perfect state for healing: Nutrition and BIE.
An important part of healing successfully is to ensure a good client-practitioner fit. This is why I encourage you to book a complimentary meet-and-greet with me, so that together, we can discuss the best options for you.
(Bioenergetic Intolerance Elimination)
2-step process that helps to identify the culprits and then normalize your body to them
Muscle testing is the assessment tool that identifies substances that aggravate your body
The frequency of the problematic substance is imprinted onto the body. This allows the body to re-gain its ability to recognize and respond to the substance appropriately.
Holistic Nutrition
Based on a thorough assessment, you will learn how specific nutrition and lifestyle modifications can address your skin concerns
You will be guided through the complex world of nutrition and be given a list of the best foods for you to eat in order to reduce the itch and inflammation of the skin.
You will also be given lifestyle and supplement recommendations to augment your healing process